Module heyvi.system

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import os
import vipy
import gc
import torch
import heyvi.recognition
import heyvi.detection
import heyvi.version
import heyvi.label
import contextlib
import itertools
import pycollector.version
from heyvi.util import timestamp

class YoutubeLive():
    """Youtube Live stream.

    >>> Y = heyvi.system.YoutubeLive(encoder='480p')
    >>> v = heyvi.sensor.rtsp()                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
    >>> Y(v)

        encoder [str]['480p, '720p', '360p']:  The encoder settings for the youtube live stream
        fps [float]:  The framerate in frames per second of the output stream.  
        streamkey [str]:  The youtube live key (, or set as envronment variable VIPY_YOUTUBE_STREAMKEY

    def __init__(self, streamkey=None, url='rtmp://', fps=30, encoder='480p'):
        assert streamkey is not None or 'VIPY_YOUTUBE_STREAMKEY' in os.environ
        streamkey = streamkey if streamkey is not None else os.environ['VIPY_YOUTUBE_STREAMKEY']
        self._encoder_recommended = {'720p':{'width':1280, 'height':720, 'bitrate': '4000k'},
                                     '480p':{'width':854, 'height':480, 'bitrate': '1000k'},
                                     '360p':{'width':640, 'height':360, 'bitrate': '1000k'}}
        assert encoder in self._encoder_recommended
        self._encoder = self._encoder_recommended[encoder]

        self._url = '%s/%s' % (url, streamkey)
        assert vipy.util.isurl(self._url)
        self._vo =, framerate=fps)
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<heyvi.system.YoutubeLive: url=%s, framerate=%2.1f>' % (str(self._vo.url()), self._vo.framerate())

    def __enter__(self):
        (h,w,br) = (self._encoder['height'], self._encoder['width'], self._encoder['bitrate'])        
        self._vs =, bitrate=br)
        return lambda im: self._vs.write(im.rgb() if im.shape() == (h,w) else im.rgb().resize(height=h, width=w))  # quiet anisotropic resize to stream dimensions

    def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
        self._vs.__exit__(type, value, tb)
    def __call__(self, vi, verbose=True):
        assert isinstance(vi,

        (h,w,fps) = (self._encoder['height'], self._encoder['width'], self._vo.framerate())
        with self as s:
            for (k,im) in enumerate(vi.framerate(fps).resize(height=h, width=w)):
                if verbose:
                    print('[heyvi.system.YoutubeLive][%s][%d]: %s' % (timestamp(), k,im), end='\r')
                s(im)  # write frame to live stream
        return self

class Recorder():
    """Record a livestream to an output video file
    This will record an out streaming to the provided outfile

    >>> v ='rtsp://...', framerate=30)
    >>> R = Recorder('/tmp/out.mp4', framerate=5)
    >>> R(v, seconds=60*60)

    To buffer to memory, you do not need this recorder, use (for small durations):

    >>> v = v.duration(seconds=3).load().saveas('/tmp/out.mp4')

    This will record three seconds from the provided RTSP stream and save in the usual way to the output file

    To record frame by frame:

    >>> v =
    >>> with Recorder('out.mp4') as r:
    >>>    for im in v:
    >>>        r(im.annotate().rgb())  # write individual frames from video v

    def __init__(self, outfile, fps=30, overwrite=False):
        assert vipy.util.isvideo(outfile)
        self._vo =, framerate=fps)
        self._overwrite = overwrite
    def __enter__(self):
        self._vs =, overwrite=self._overwrite)
        return lambda im: self._vs.write(im.rgb())  

    def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
        self._vs.__exit__(type, value, tb)
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<heyvi.system.Recorder: %s>' % str(self._vo)
    def __call__(self, vi, seconds=None, verbose=True):
        assert isinstance(vi,

        vi = vi if seconds is None else vi.clone().duration(seconds=seconds)
        vi = vi.framerate(self._vo.framerate())
        with as s:
            for (k,im) in enumerate(
                if verbose:
                    print('[heyvi.system.Recorder][%s][%d]: %s' % (timestamp(), k, im), end='\r')                                    
        return self._vo

class Tracker():
    """heyvi.system.Tracker() class.  Run a video object tracker on a video or live stream.

    To run on a livestream:

    v = heyvi.sensor.rtsp()
    T = heyvi.system.Tracker()
    with heyvi.system.YoutubeLive(fps=5, encoder='480p') as s:
        T(v, frame_callback=lambda im: s(im.pixelize().annotate(fontsize=15, timestamp=heyvi.util.timestamp(), timestampoffset=(6,10))), minconf=0.5)

    To run on an input file as a batch:

    v =', framerate=5)
    T = heyvi.system.Tracker()
    v_tracked = T(v)

    To stream tracks computed per frame

    vi =', framerate=5)
    for (f,vo) in enumerate(
        print(vo)  # tracking result at frame f

    To stream tracks computed per frame, along with pixels for current frame

    vi =', framerate=5)
    for (f,(im,vo)) in enumerate(zip(vi,
        print(vo)  # tracking result at frame f
        print(im)  # `vipy.image.Image` with pixels available as im.numpy()

    To stream tracks computed per frame, along with the most recent video clip of length 16:

    vi =', framerate=5)
    for (f,(vc,vo)) in enumerate(zip(,
        print(vo)  # tracking result at frame f
        print(vc)  # `` with pixels for clips of length 16

    For additional use cases for streaming batches, clips, frames, delays see the [vipy documentation](

        `` objects with tracks corresponding to objects in `heyvi.detection.MultiscaleVideoTracker.classlist`.  Object tracks are "person", "vehicle", "bicycle".

    def __init__(self, verbose=False):
        assert vipy.version.is_at_least('1.11.11')
        assert heyvi.version.is_at_least('0.0.5')        
        assert torch.cuda.device_count() >= 4

        objects = ['person', ('car','vehicle'), ('truck','vehicle'), ('bus', 'vehicle'), 'bicycle']  # merge truck/bus/car to vehicle 
        self._tracker = heyvi.detection.MultiscaleVideoTracker(gpu=[0,1,2,3], batchsize=9, minconf=0.05, trackconf=0.2, maxhistory=5, objects=objects, overlapfrac=0, gate=64, detbatchsize=None)  
        self._verbose = verbose

    def __call__(self, vi, frame_callback=None):
        """Batch tracking of input video file"""
        assert isinstance(vi,

        for (k, (im,v)) in enumerate(zip(, self._tracker(vi, stride=3, buffered=vi.islive()))):
            if callable(frame_callback) and im is not None:
            if self._verbose and v is not None:
                print('[heyvi.system.Tracker][%s][%d]: %s' % (timestamp(), k, str(v)+' '*100), end='\r')

        return vi

    def stream(self, vi):
        """Tracking iterator of input video"""        
        for (k, (im,v)) in enumerate(zip(, self._tracker(vi, stride=3, buffered=vi.islive()))):
            yield v

class Actev21():
    """heyvi.system.Actev21() class

    Real time activity detection for the 37 MEVA ( activity classes

    >>> v = heyvi.sensor.rtsp().framerate(5)
    >>> S = heyvi.system.Actev21()
    >>> with heyvi.system.YoutubeLive(fps=5, encoder='480p') as s:
    >>>     S(v, frame_callback=lambda im, imraw, v: s(im), minconf=0.2)

    def __init__(self):

        assert vipy.version.is_at_least('1.11.11')
        assert heyvi.version.is_at_least('0.0.5')
        assert torch.cuda.device_count() >= 4
        self._activitymodel = vipy.downloader.downloadif('',
                                                         vipy.util.tocache('mlfl_v5_epoch_41-step_59279.ckpt'),  # set VIPY_CACHE env 

        self._annotator = lambda im, f=vipy.image.mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True): f(im).annotate(timestamp=heyvi.util.timestamp(), timestampoffset=(6,10), fontsize=15).rgb()
    def __call__(self, vi, vs=None, minconf=0.04, verbose=True, frame_callback=None, livestream=False):

        assert isinstance(vi,
        assert vs is None or (isinstance(vs, and vs.framerate() == 5)

        livedelay = 2*15*5 if vi.islive() or livestream else 5 
        objects = ['person', ('car','vehicle'), ('truck','vehicle'), ('bus', 'vehicle'), 'bicycle']  # merge truck/bus/car to vehicle, no motorcycles
        track = heyvi.detection.MultiscaleVideoTracker(gpu=[0,1,2,3], batchsize=9, minconf=0.05, trackconf=0.2, maxhistory=5, objects=objects, overlapfrac=6, gate=64, detbatchsize=None)
        activities = list(heyvi.label.pip_plus_meva_to_meva.items())
        detect = heyvi.recognition.Actev21_AD(gpus=[0,1,2,3], batchsize=64, modelfile=self._activitymodel, stride=3, activities=activities)   # stride should match tracker stride 4->3
        (srcdim, srcfps) = (vi.mindim(), vi.framerate())
        vs = vs if vs is not None else contextlib.nullcontext()                
        vi = vi.mindim(960).framerate(5)
        for (f, (im,vi)) in enumerate(zip(,  # live stream delay (must be >= 2x finalized period)
                                          detect(track(vi, stride=3, buffered=vi.islive()),
                                                 mirror=False, trackconf=0.2, minprob=minconf, maxdets=105, avgdets=70, throttle=True, activityiou=0.1, buffered=vi.islive(), finalized=(livedelay//2) if vi.islive() or livestream else True))):
            if callable(frame_callback) and im is not None:
                frame_callback(self._annotator(im.clone()), im, vi)  
            if verbose:
                print('[heyvi.system.Actev21][%s][%d]: %s' % (timestamp(), f, vi), end='\r')                                    
        vi.activityfilter(lambda a: a.category() not in ['person', 'person_walks', 'vehicle', 'car_moves'])   # remove background activities
        vo = vi.framerate(srcfps)  # upsample tracks/activities back to source framerate
        vo = vo.mindim(srcdim)  # upscale tracks back to source resolution

        return vo

    def annotate(self, v, outfile, minconf=0.1, trackonly=False, nounonly=False, mindim=512):
        return (v.mindim(mindim).activityfilter(lambda a: a.confidence() >= float(minconf))
                .annotate(mutator=vipy.image.mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True) if (not trackonly and not nounonly) else (vipy.image.mutator_show_trackonly() if trackonly else vipy.image.mutator_show_nounonly(nocaption=True)),
                          outfile=outfile))  # colored boxes by track id, activity captions with confidence, 5Hz, 512x(-1) resolution    
class CAP():
    """heyvi.system.CAP() class

    Real time activity detection for the 512 CAP ( activity classes    

    def __init__(self, modelfile, labelset='cap', verbose=True):
        assert vipy.version.is_at_least('1.12.4')
        assert heyvi.version.is_at_least('0.2.26')
        assert pycollector.version.is_at_least('0.4.2')        
        assert torch.cuda.device_count() >= 4
        self._unitnorm = False
        self._verbose = verbose
        self._activitymodel = modelfile  # local testing only        
        self._labelset = labelset
        self._annotator = lambda im, f=vipy.image.mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True): f(im).annotate(timestamp=heyvi.util.timestamp(), timestampoffset=(6,10), fontsize=15).rgb()        

        self._objects = ['person', ('car','vehicle'), ('truck','vehicle'), ('bus', 'vehicle'), 'bicycle']  # merge truck/bus/car to vehicle, no motorcycles
        self._tracker = heyvi.detection.MultiscaleVideoTracker(gpu=[0,1,2,3], batchsize=9, minconf=0.05, trackconf=0.2, maxhistory=5, objects=self._objects, overlapfrac=6, gate=64, detbatchsize=None)
        self._ad = heyvi.recognition.CAP_AD(gpus=[0,1,2,3], batchsize=64, modelfile=self._activitymodel, stride=3, unitnorm=self._unitnorm, labelset=self._labelset, verbose=self._verbose)   # stride should match tracker stride 4->3

    def __call__(self, vi, minconf=0.04, frame_callback=None, livestream=False, mintracklen=None, finalized=True):
        assert isinstance(vi,
        (srcdim, srcfps, detect, track, livedelay) = (vi.mindim(), vi.framerate(), self._ad, self._tracker, 2*15*5 if vi.islive() or livestream else 5)
        vi = vi.mindim(960).framerate(5)
        for (f, (im,vi)) in enumerate(zip(,  # live stream delay (must be >= 2x finalized period)
                                          detect(track(vi, stride=3, buffered=vi.islive()),
                                                 mirror=False, trackconf=0.2, minprob=minconf, maxdets=105, avgdets=70, throttle=True, activityiou=0.1, buffered=vi.islive(), finalized=(livedelay//2) if vi.islive() or livestream else finalized, mintracklen=mintracklen))):
            if callable(frame_callback) and im is not None:
                frame_callback(self._annotator(im.clone()), im, vi)  
            if self._verbose:
                print('[heyvi.system.CAP][%s][%d]: %s' % (heyvi.util.timestamp(), f, vi), end='\r')                                    
        vi.activityfilter(lambda a: a.category() not in ['person', 'person_walks', 'vehicle', 'car_moves'])   # remove background activities
        vo = vi.framerate(srcfps).clone()  # upsample tracks/activities back to source framerate
        vo = vo.mindim(srcdim)  # upscale tracks back to source resolution

        return vo

    def annotate(self, v, outfile, minconf=0.1, trackonly=False, nounonly=False, mindim=512):
        return (v.mindim(mindim).activityfilter(lambda a: a.confidence() >= float(minconf))
                .annotate(mutator=vipy.image.mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True) if (not trackonly and not nounonly) else (vipy.image.mutator_show_trackonly() if trackonly else vipy.image.mutator_show_nounonly(nocaption=True)),
                          outfile=outfile))  # colored boxes by track id, activity captions with confidence, 5Hz, 512x(-1) resolution    
    def detect(self, vi, minconf=0.01):
        assert isinstance(vi,
        return self.__call__(vi.clone().clear(), minconf=minconf, finalized=False)

    def classify(self, vi, minconf=0.001, topk=5, repeat=1):
        assert isinstance(vi,
        v = vi.clone().clear().framerate(5)
        v = v.load().fromframes([vj for k in range(repeat) for vj in v.framelist()], copy=True) if repeat>0 else v  # repeat to achieve minimums
        vo = self.__call__(v, minconf=minconf, finalized=False)
        aid = set({a.category() for a in sorted(vo.activitylist(), key=lambda a: a.confidence())}.values())  # keep highest confidence activity id deduped per class
        ai = set([ for a in sorted(vo.activitylist(), key=lambda a: a.confidence()) if in aid][-topk:]) if topk is not None else aid  # top-k unique activity id
        return vo.flush().activityfilter(lambda a: in ai).activities({ for a in sorted(vo.activities().values(), key=lambda a: a.confidence(), reverse=True)})  # reordered for primary_activity() highest confidence


class Actev21

heyvi.system.Actev21() class

Real time activity detection for the 37 MEVA ( activity classes

>>> v = heyvi.sensor.rtsp().framerate(5)
>>> S = heyvi.system.Actev21()
>>> with heyvi.system.YoutubeLive(fps=5, encoder='480p') as s:
>>>     S(v, frame_callback=lambda im, imraw, v: s(im), minconf=0.2)
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class Actev21():
    """heyvi.system.Actev21() class

    Real time activity detection for the 37 MEVA ( activity classes

    >>> v = heyvi.sensor.rtsp().framerate(5)
    >>> S = heyvi.system.Actev21()
    >>> with heyvi.system.YoutubeLive(fps=5, encoder='480p') as s:
    >>>     S(v, frame_callback=lambda im, imraw, v: s(im), minconf=0.2)

    def __init__(self):

        assert vipy.version.is_at_least('1.11.11')
        assert heyvi.version.is_at_least('0.0.5')
        assert torch.cuda.device_count() >= 4
        self._activitymodel = vipy.downloader.downloadif('',
                                                         vipy.util.tocache('mlfl_v5_epoch_41-step_59279.ckpt'),  # set VIPY_CACHE env 

        self._annotator = lambda im, f=vipy.image.mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True): f(im).annotate(timestamp=heyvi.util.timestamp(), timestampoffset=(6,10), fontsize=15).rgb()
    def __call__(self, vi, vs=None, minconf=0.04, verbose=True, frame_callback=None, livestream=False):

        assert isinstance(vi,
        assert vs is None or (isinstance(vs, and vs.framerate() == 5)

        livedelay = 2*15*5 if vi.islive() or livestream else 5 
        objects = ['person', ('car','vehicle'), ('truck','vehicle'), ('bus', 'vehicle'), 'bicycle']  # merge truck/bus/car to vehicle, no motorcycles
        track = heyvi.detection.MultiscaleVideoTracker(gpu=[0,1,2,3], batchsize=9, minconf=0.05, trackconf=0.2, maxhistory=5, objects=objects, overlapfrac=6, gate=64, detbatchsize=None)
        activities = list(heyvi.label.pip_plus_meva_to_meva.items())
        detect = heyvi.recognition.Actev21_AD(gpus=[0,1,2,3], batchsize=64, modelfile=self._activitymodel, stride=3, activities=activities)   # stride should match tracker stride 4->3
        (srcdim, srcfps) = (vi.mindim(), vi.framerate())
        vs = vs if vs is not None else contextlib.nullcontext()                
        vi = vi.mindim(960).framerate(5)
        for (f, (im,vi)) in enumerate(zip(,  # live stream delay (must be >= 2x finalized period)
                                          detect(track(vi, stride=3, buffered=vi.islive()),
                                                 mirror=False, trackconf=0.2, minprob=minconf, maxdets=105, avgdets=70, throttle=True, activityiou=0.1, buffered=vi.islive(), finalized=(livedelay//2) if vi.islive() or livestream else True))):
            if callable(frame_callback) and im is not None:
                frame_callback(self._annotator(im.clone()), im, vi)  
            if verbose:
                print('[heyvi.system.Actev21][%s][%d]: %s' % (timestamp(), f, vi), end='\r')                                    
        vi.activityfilter(lambda a: a.category() not in ['person', 'person_walks', 'vehicle', 'car_moves'])   # remove background activities
        vo = vi.framerate(srcfps)  # upsample tracks/activities back to source framerate
        vo = vo.mindim(srcdim)  # upscale tracks back to source resolution

        return vo

    def annotate(self, v, outfile, minconf=0.1, trackonly=False, nounonly=False, mindim=512):
        return (v.mindim(mindim).activityfilter(lambda a: a.confidence() >= float(minconf))
                .annotate(mutator=vipy.image.mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True) if (not trackonly and not nounonly) else (vipy.image.mutator_show_trackonly() if trackonly else vipy.image.mutator_show_nounonly(nocaption=True)),
                          outfile=outfile))  # colored boxes by track id, activity captions with confidence, 5Hz, 512x(-1) resolution    


def annotate(self, v, outfile, minconf=0.1, trackonly=False, nounonly=False, mindim=512)
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def annotate(self, v, outfile, minconf=0.1, trackonly=False, nounonly=False, mindim=512):
    return (v.mindim(mindim).activityfilter(lambda a: a.confidence() >= float(minconf))
            .annotate(mutator=vipy.image.mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True) if (not trackonly and not nounonly) else (vipy.image.mutator_show_trackonly() if trackonly else vipy.image.mutator_show_nounonly(nocaption=True)),
                      outfile=outfile))  # colored boxes by track id, activity captions with confidence, 5Hz, 512x(-1) resolution    
class CAP (modelfile, labelset='cap', verbose=True)

heyvi.system.CAP() class

Real time activity detection for the 512 CAP ( activity classes

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class CAP():
    """heyvi.system.CAP() class

    Real time activity detection for the 512 CAP ( activity classes    

    def __init__(self, modelfile, labelset='cap', verbose=True):
        assert vipy.version.is_at_least('1.12.4')
        assert heyvi.version.is_at_least('0.2.26')
        assert pycollector.version.is_at_least('0.4.2')        
        assert torch.cuda.device_count() >= 4
        self._unitnorm = False
        self._verbose = verbose
        self._activitymodel = modelfile  # local testing only        
        self._labelset = labelset
        self._annotator = lambda im, f=vipy.image.mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True): f(im).annotate(timestamp=heyvi.util.timestamp(), timestampoffset=(6,10), fontsize=15).rgb()        

        self._objects = ['person', ('car','vehicle'), ('truck','vehicle'), ('bus', 'vehicle'), 'bicycle']  # merge truck/bus/car to vehicle, no motorcycles
        self._tracker = heyvi.detection.MultiscaleVideoTracker(gpu=[0,1,2,3], batchsize=9, minconf=0.05, trackconf=0.2, maxhistory=5, objects=self._objects, overlapfrac=6, gate=64, detbatchsize=None)
        self._ad = heyvi.recognition.CAP_AD(gpus=[0,1,2,3], batchsize=64, modelfile=self._activitymodel, stride=3, unitnorm=self._unitnorm, labelset=self._labelset, verbose=self._verbose)   # stride should match tracker stride 4->3

    def __call__(self, vi, minconf=0.04, frame_callback=None, livestream=False, mintracklen=None, finalized=True):
        assert isinstance(vi,
        (srcdim, srcfps, detect, track, livedelay) = (vi.mindim(), vi.framerate(), self._ad, self._tracker, 2*15*5 if vi.islive() or livestream else 5)
        vi = vi.mindim(960).framerate(5)
        for (f, (im,vi)) in enumerate(zip(,  # live stream delay (must be >= 2x finalized period)
                                          detect(track(vi, stride=3, buffered=vi.islive()),
                                                 mirror=False, trackconf=0.2, minprob=minconf, maxdets=105, avgdets=70, throttle=True, activityiou=0.1, buffered=vi.islive(), finalized=(livedelay//2) if vi.islive() or livestream else finalized, mintracklen=mintracklen))):
            if callable(frame_callback) and im is not None:
                frame_callback(self._annotator(im.clone()), im, vi)  
            if self._verbose:
                print('[heyvi.system.CAP][%s][%d]: %s' % (heyvi.util.timestamp(), f, vi), end='\r')                                    
        vi.activityfilter(lambda a: a.category() not in ['person', 'person_walks', 'vehicle', 'car_moves'])   # remove background activities
        vo = vi.framerate(srcfps).clone()  # upsample tracks/activities back to source framerate
        vo = vo.mindim(srcdim)  # upscale tracks back to source resolution

        return vo

    def annotate(self, v, outfile, minconf=0.1, trackonly=False, nounonly=False, mindim=512):
        return (v.mindim(mindim).activityfilter(lambda a: a.confidence() >= float(minconf))
                .annotate(mutator=vipy.image.mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True) if (not trackonly and not nounonly) else (vipy.image.mutator_show_trackonly() if trackonly else vipy.image.mutator_show_nounonly(nocaption=True)),
                          outfile=outfile))  # colored boxes by track id, activity captions with confidence, 5Hz, 512x(-1) resolution    
    def detect(self, vi, minconf=0.01):
        assert isinstance(vi,
        return self.__call__(vi.clone().clear(), minconf=minconf, finalized=False)

    def classify(self, vi, minconf=0.001, topk=5, repeat=1):
        assert isinstance(vi,
        v = vi.clone().clear().framerate(5)
        v = v.load().fromframes([vj for k in range(repeat) for vj in v.framelist()], copy=True) if repeat>0 else v  # repeat to achieve minimums
        vo = self.__call__(v, minconf=minconf, finalized=False)
        aid = set({a.category() for a in sorted(vo.activitylist(), key=lambda a: a.confidence())}.values())  # keep highest confidence activity id deduped per class
        ai = set([ for a in sorted(vo.activitylist(), key=lambda a: a.confidence()) if in aid][-topk:]) if topk is not None else aid  # top-k unique activity id
        return vo.flush().activityfilter(lambda a: in ai).activities({ for a in sorted(vo.activities().values(), key=lambda a: a.confidence(), reverse=True)})  # reordered for primary_activity() highest confidence


def annotate(self, v, outfile, minconf=0.1, trackonly=False, nounonly=False, mindim=512)
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def annotate(self, v, outfile, minconf=0.1, trackonly=False, nounonly=False, mindim=512):
    return (v.mindim(mindim).activityfilter(lambda a: a.confidence() >= float(minconf))
            .annotate(mutator=vipy.image.mutator_show_trackindex_verbonly(confidence=True) if (not trackonly and not nounonly) else (vipy.image.mutator_show_trackonly() if trackonly else vipy.image.mutator_show_nounonly(nocaption=True)),
                      outfile=outfile))  # colored boxes by track id, activity captions with confidence, 5Hz, 512x(-1) resolution    
def classify(self, vi, minconf=0.001, topk=5, repeat=1)
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def classify(self, vi, minconf=0.001, topk=5, repeat=1):
    assert isinstance(vi,
    v = vi.clone().clear().framerate(5)
    v = v.load().fromframes([vj for k in range(repeat) for vj in v.framelist()], copy=True) if repeat>0 else v  # repeat to achieve minimums
    vo = self.__call__(v, minconf=minconf, finalized=False)
    aid = set({a.category() for a in sorted(vo.activitylist(), key=lambda a: a.confidence())}.values())  # keep highest confidence activity id deduped per class
    ai = set([ for a in sorted(vo.activitylist(), key=lambda a: a.confidence()) if in aid][-topk:]) if topk is not None else aid  # top-k unique activity id
    return vo.flush().activityfilter(lambda a: in ai).activities({ for a in sorted(vo.activities().values(), key=lambda a: a.confidence(), reverse=True)})  # reordered for primary_activity() highest confidence
def detect(self, vi, minconf=0.01)
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def detect(self, vi, minconf=0.01):
    assert isinstance(vi,
    return self.__call__(vi.clone().clear(), minconf=minconf, finalized=False)
class Recorder (outfile, fps=30, overwrite=False)

Record a livestream to an output video file

This will record an out streaming to the provided outfile

>>> v ='rtsp://...', framerate=30)
>>> R = Recorder('/tmp/out.mp4', framerate=5)
>>> R(v, seconds=60*60)

To buffer to memory, you do not need this recorder, use (for small durations):

>>> v = v.duration(seconds=3).load().saveas('/tmp/out.mp4')

This will record three seconds from the provided RTSP stream and save in the usual way to the output file

To record frame by frame:

>>> v =
>>> with Recorder('out.mp4') as r:
>>>    for im in v:
>>>        r(im.annotate().rgb())  # write individual frames from video v
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class Recorder():
    """Record a livestream to an output video file
    This will record an out streaming to the provided outfile

    >>> v ='rtsp://...', framerate=30)
    >>> R = Recorder('/tmp/out.mp4', framerate=5)
    >>> R(v, seconds=60*60)

    To buffer to memory, you do not need this recorder, use (for small durations):

    >>> v = v.duration(seconds=3).load().saveas('/tmp/out.mp4')

    This will record three seconds from the provided RTSP stream and save in the usual way to the output file

    To record frame by frame:

    >>> v =
    >>> with Recorder('out.mp4') as r:
    >>>    for im in v:
    >>>        r(im.annotate().rgb())  # write individual frames from video v

    def __init__(self, outfile, fps=30, overwrite=False):
        assert vipy.util.isvideo(outfile)
        self._vo =, framerate=fps)
        self._overwrite = overwrite
    def __enter__(self):
        self._vs =, overwrite=self._overwrite)
        return lambda im: self._vs.write(im.rgb())  

    def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
        self._vs.__exit__(type, value, tb)
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<heyvi.system.Recorder: %s>' % str(self._vo)
    def __call__(self, vi, seconds=None, verbose=True):
        assert isinstance(vi,

        vi = vi if seconds is None else vi.clone().duration(seconds=seconds)
        vi = vi.framerate(self._vo.framerate())
        with as s:
            for (k,im) in enumerate(
                if verbose:
                    print('[heyvi.system.Recorder][%s][%d]: %s' % (timestamp(), k, im), end='\r')                                    
        return self._vo
class Tracker (verbose=False)

heyvi.system.Tracker() class. Run a video object tracker on a video or live stream.

To run on a livestream:

v = heyvi.sensor.rtsp()
T = heyvi.system.Tracker()
with heyvi.system.YoutubeLive(fps=5, encoder='480p') as s:
    T(v, frame_callback=lambda im: s(im.pixelize().annotate(fontsize=15, timestamp=heyvi.util.timestamp(), timestampoffset=(6,10))), minconf=0.5)

To run on an input file as a batch:

v =', framerate=5)
T = heyvi.system.Tracker()
v_tracked = T(v)

To stream tracks computed per frame

vi =', framerate=5)
for (f,vo) in enumerate(
    print(vo)  # tracking result at frame f

To stream tracks computed per frame, along with pixels for current frame

vi =', framerate=5)
for (f,(im,vo)) in enumerate(zip(vi,
    print(vo)  # tracking result at frame f
    print(im)  # `vipy.image.Image` with pixels available as im.numpy()

To stream tracks computed per frame, along with the most recent video clip of length 16:

vi =', framerate=5)
for (f,(vc,vo)) in enumerate(zip(,
    print(vo)  # tracking result at frame f
    print(vc)  # `` with pixels for clips of length 16

For additional use cases for streaming batches, clips, frames, delays see the vipy documentation

Returns objects with tracks corresponding to objects in heyvi.detection.MultiscaleVideoTracker.classlist. Object tracks are "person", "vehicle", "bicycle".

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class Tracker():
    """heyvi.system.Tracker() class.  Run a video object tracker on a video or live stream.

    To run on a livestream:

    v = heyvi.sensor.rtsp()
    T = heyvi.system.Tracker()
    with heyvi.system.YoutubeLive(fps=5, encoder='480p') as s:
        T(v, frame_callback=lambda im: s(im.pixelize().annotate(fontsize=15, timestamp=heyvi.util.timestamp(), timestampoffset=(6,10))), minconf=0.5)

    To run on an input file as a batch:

    v =', framerate=5)
    T = heyvi.system.Tracker()
    v_tracked = T(v)

    To stream tracks computed per frame

    vi =', framerate=5)
    for (f,vo) in enumerate(
        print(vo)  # tracking result at frame f

    To stream tracks computed per frame, along with pixels for current frame

    vi =', framerate=5)
    for (f,(im,vo)) in enumerate(zip(vi,
        print(vo)  # tracking result at frame f
        print(im)  # `vipy.image.Image` with pixels available as im.numpy()

    To stream tracks computed per frame, along with the most recent video clip of length 16:

    vi =', framerate=5)
    for (f,(vc,vo)) in enumerate(zip(,
        print(vo)  # tracking result at frame f
        print(vc)  # `` with pixels for clips of length 16

    For additional use cases for streaming batches, clips, frames, delays see the [vipy documentation](

        `` objects with tracks corresponding to objects in `heyvi.detection.MultiscaleVideoTracker.classlist`.  Object tracks are "person", "vehicle", "bicycle".

    def __init__(self, verbose=False):
        assert vipy.version.is_at_least('1.11.11')
        assert heyvi.version.is_at_least('0.0.5')        
        assert torch.cuda.device_count() >= 4

        objects = ['person', ('car','vehicle'), ('truck','vehicle'), ('bus', 'vehicle'), 'bicycle']  # merge truck/bus/car to vehicle 
        self._tracker = heyvi.detection.MultiscaleVideoTracker(gpu=[0,1,2,3], batchsize=9, minconf=0.05, trackconf=0.2, maxhistory=5, objects=objects, overlapfrac=0, gate=64, detbatchsize=None)  
        self._verbose = verbose

    def __call__(self, vi, frame_callback=None):
        """Batch tracking of input video file"""
        assert isinstance(vi,

        for (k, (im,v)) in enumerate(zip(, self._tracker(vi, stride=3, buffered=vi.islive()))):
            if callable(frame_callback) and im is not None:
            if self._verbose and v is not None:
                print('[heyvi.system.Tracker][%s][%d]: %s' % (timestamp(), k, str(v)+' '*100), end='\r')

        return vi

    def stream(self, vi):
        """Tracking iterator of input video"""        
        for (k, (im,v)) in enumerate(zip(, self._tracker(vi, stride=3, buffered=vi.islive()))):
            yield v


def stream(self, vi)

Tracking iterator of input video

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def stream(self, vi):
    """Tracking iterator of input video"""        
    for (k, (im,v)) in enumerate(zip(, self._tracker(vi, stride=3, buffered=vi.islive()))):
        yield v
class YoutubeLive (streamkey=None, url='rtmp://', fps=30, encoder='480p')

Youtube Live stream.

>>> Y = heyvi.system.YoutubeLive(encoder='480p')
>>> v = heyvi.sensor.rtsp()                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
>>> Y(v)


encoder [str]['480p, '720p', '360p']: The encoder settings for the youtube live stream fps [float]: The framerate in frames per second of the output stream.
streamkey [str]: The youtube live key (, or set as envronment variable VIPY_YOUTUBE_STREAMKEY

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class YoutubeLive():
    """Youtube Live stream.

    >>> Y = heyvi.system.YoutubeLive(encoder='480p')
    >>> v = heyvi.sensor.rtsp()                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
    >>> Y(v)

        encoder [str]['480p, '720p', '360p']:  The encoder settings for the youtube live stream
        fps [float]:  The framerate in frames per second of the output stream.  
        streamkey [str]:  The youtube live key (, or set as envronment variable VIPY_YOUTUBE_STREAMKEY

    def __init__(self, streamkey=None, url='rtmp://', fps=30, encoder='480p'):
        assert streamkey is not None or 'VIPY_YOUTUBE_STREAMKEY' in os.environ
        streamkey = streamkey if streamkey is not None else os.environ['VIPY_YOUTUBE_STREAMKEY']
        self._encoder_recommended = {'720p':{'width':1280, 'height':720, 'bitrate': '4000k'},
                                     '480p':{'width':854, 'height':480, 'bitrate': '1000k'},
                                     '360p':{'width':640, 'height':360, 'bitrate': '1000k'}}
        assert encoder in self._encoder_recommended
        self._encoder = self._encoder_recommended[encoder]

        self._url = '%s/%s' % (url, streamkey)
        assert vipy.util.isurl(self._url)
        self._vo =, framerate=fps)
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<heyvi.system.YoutubeLive: url=%s, framerate=%2.1f>' % (str(self._vo.url()), self._vo.framerate())

    def __enter__(self):
        (h,w,br) = (self._encoder['height'], self._encoder['width'], self._encoder['bitrate'])        
        self._vs =, bitrate=br)
        return lambda im: self._vs.write(im.rgb() if im.shape() == (h,w) else im.rgb().resize(height=h, width=w))  # quiet anisotropic resize to stream dimensions

    def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
        self._vs.__exit__(type, value, tb)
    def __call__(self, vi, verbose=True):
        assert isinstance(vi,

        (h,w,fps) = (self._encoder['height'], self._encoder['width'], self._vo.framerate())
        with self as s:
            for (k,im) in enumerate(vi.framerate(fps).resize(height=h, width=w)):
                if verbose:
                    print('[heyvi.system.YoutubeLive][%s][%d]: %s' % (timestamp(), k,im), end='\r')
                s(im)  # write frame to live stream
        return self